Dave’s Pumpkin Patch – West Sacramento, CA.







Today we headed to Vierra farms to explore Dave’s Pumpkin patch and find some pumpkins to carve for Halloween. While the farm was busy, the parking situation was a lot more smooth than some other places we have been previously. Kennedy loved digging through the large sandboxes filled with corn and feeding all of the farm animals. Many of the activities were either geared toward slightly older kids or incredibly busy, so we did not participate in many of the attractions. By the time we got to actually hunting for a pumpkin, Kennedy was less interested in picking out the right one, and more interested in finding the nearest tree to fall asleep under; let’s just say it didn’t go exactly as planned, but it was still a worthwhile trip. We managed to juggle a few pumpkins and a whiny-tired lady to the car without incident, and she was fast asleep before even leaving the parking lot.

A Good Day Overalls | Little Orange

Kennedy’s First Birthday

Keeping things simple this year, Kennedy’s first birthday was spent next to the rose garden on Capitol Park with a few close friends and family. Actually, we were going to go to McKinley park, but rumor has it that they are having a serious flea problem, and that just killed that idea. I considered sending out invitations and having a moderate celebration at home, but I figure there will be plenty of years for obligating friends and they should be off the hook while they can. It was nice to just sit in the park with people who wanted to celebrate with her, eat some of the Lemon Lavender Cake I made the night before, and open gifts.

The birthday suit: One Shirt | Crown | Moccasins

Breastmilk Donation – The Misadventures of the Boob

Breastmilk. I have very little. So, after trying all of the magical cocktails without success, I gave up trying to incessantly milk myself and turned to breastmilk donation. This decision for me was simple and straightforward, human milk for human babies, but it has led to a lot of interesting questions (amongst other things) from my peers, some of which I thought I’d tackle here.

Q. So, you’re using someone else’s breastmilk to feed your baby? How does that work?
A. Well, breastmilk is good for about a year after it is frozen and some people are blessed with an abundant supply so they have to pump anyhow. Since they pump regularly, they have a supply that that don’t really need, and instead of throwing it away, they offer it to people who need it.

Q. How?
A. There are various online groups (eats for feets, milkshare, human milk for human babies) to name a few. A lot comes from word of mouth.

Q. Does it cost money?
A. No. The breastmilk that costs money has been pasteurized etc… And is generally given to babies with compromised immune systems. Really, as a feminist, the thought of me charging someone for breastmilk makes me feel ill. Not to mention, if there is a fee involved, inevitably someone out there will try to exploit it and sell you cows milk, not caring that there is someone on the other end who will suffer greatly. I always offer to cover the cost of storage bags, but beyond that, there is no fee. Women help women, isn’t that important?

Q. People really do this?!
A. Yes. And it had been going on for a loooong time. It’s not weird, it’s just not talked about much.

Q. Don’t you think that’s gross?
A. No. I think it’s gross that you think it’s gross. I mean, you drink the milk from a cow to which you know is pumped full of god knows what and you think it’s weird I feed my human baby, human milk. Least I can ask them what drugs they’re on.

Q. How do you know that the person isn’t on drugs, or something?
A. I don’t. Obviously, if I met someone who looked like a “dope fiend”, I would use better judgment but… Really people… Do you think women who care enough to seek out breastmilk donation boards are going to do so with malicious intent? A lot of these woman have been so very kind and compassionate, it’s very uplifting. I mean, I could ask for blood tests and things, but truly, I would argue that a variety of breastmilk donors would only strengthen her immune system, not the other way around.

I think that’s the gist of just about every conversation I’ve had around it. I wouldn’t have posted this except I realize when I post on Facebook, or “like” something… I always get questions. With that said, I’m just about out and stressing over it. So, if you have any, or know someone, please contact me. It really does mean a lot to me. Somehow I will find a way to pay it forward, but for now I am going to just feel blessed by those who have reached out to me and helped me thus far.